The little kid named Keilani Clavejo has been accounted for missing and her relatives are profoundly disheartened for their young lady not getting back to home. Peruse further to open the full story.

What has been going on with Keilani Clavejo? Stockton Missing Teen A young person named Keilani Clavejo was foundin missing from her home Stockton, California for which her family residing in California has been petitioning God for a protected return of Keilani.

Without a doubt, when a little kid or any relative disappears, it makes devastation in the home and it is normal for them to be frightened, particularly in the occasions such as this.

Supposedly, Clavejo disappeared on the fourth of July, the day when Independence is praised in the United States. Tragically, that very day, the powerful nation confronted a terrible mass slaughter in Highland Park, arranged in Illinois.

A youthful person named Robert Crimo was captured supposedly for the mass shooting which ended the existences of seven individuals while watching the motorcade on the event of Independence day. Despite the fact that Illinois is essentially distant from Stockton, the startling episodes that occurred every day make anybody be unfortunate.

In the previous years too, Stockton has revealed a few missing instances of individuals going from various age gatherings. Most as of late, in January, a young lady named Maddison, matured 15 disappeared from this equivalent spot, she was subsequently seen as protected, as detailed by Cleveland Police.

The group of Keilani likewise supplicates with Jesus that she is some place safe and would get back securely, at any point in the near future.

Was Keilani Clavejo Found? Go Fund Me Set Up At this point, no fresh insight about Keilani Clavejo is being found. Her cousin Tanya Anderson has made a missing post and coursed it that peruses, “Petition WARRIORS PLEASE PRAY FOR MS. KEILANI CLAVEJO and HER FAMILY IN CALIFORNIA. Petition God FOR A SAFE RETURN HOME FOR HER UNHARMED IN JESUS NAME, AMEN. Petitioning God FOR YOUR FRIEND, COUSIN TANYA ANDERSON WE ARE PRAYING FOR A SAFE RETURN HOME UNHARMED FOR MS. KEILANI CLAVEJO.”


Supposedly, a Go Fund Me has been set up for the missing young lady, however as of now, we were unable to find any connection with respect to such. Be that as it may, we as a whole expectation she will get each help required and will securely get once again to her home.

Moreover, about her total assets, she is a young person which demonstrates no such sum on her name, regardless of whether she had, there are no subtleties accessible on the Internet as of now.