WASG stands for the “We Are the Super Gay” alliance. It is a coalition of LGBTQ+ students and allies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

WSG stands for “What’s up, good?” It’s a common way to greet someone in a chat.

WSG stands for “What’s up, good looking?” It is a term used to greet someone that you find attractive.

MSG stands for monosodium glutamate.

Istg stands for “I’m so grateful.” It’s often used as a way to show appreciation for someone’s kindness or actions.

Ong is an acronym for “Oh, No, God.” It is used as an expression of surprise or shock.

WDG stands for Workgroup.

Instagram is a social media app that was created in 2010. It is owned by Facebook and allows users to share photos and videos. The app has over 1 billion active users.

Ajinomoto is a Japanese seasoning company that produces monosodium glutamate (MSG), a flavor enhancer. It was founded in 1909 and is now a multinational corporation.

Imsg stands for “Instant Message.” It’s a way to send text messages to other Snapchat users.

The three dots in a row, called an ellipsis, is used to show that there is more to say but the writer doesn’t want to write it all out.

SMH stands for “shaking my head.” It’s used as an expression of disappointment, frustration, or disbelief.