What Does Within 3 Business Days Mean?

There, the front desk personnel explained in detail that the three business days start the following day after I  bought the item. There’s no need to feel ashamed about not knowing what the term means; after all, we learn every day. My awareness of this has saved me from a lot of unnecessary anxiety or confusion.

The term “business days” is often used when making a transaction. It is commonly used to indicate the arrival date of a package. 

A business day is an official day of the week opened for transactions. A common term is called  “Workdays.” 

These are days from Monday to Friday and do not include weekends and federal holidays like New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day in some spaces, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, etc. 

Government agencies and private institutions can also observe days that are peculiar to them. Therefore, Monday through Friday are considered business days, beginning from 8-9 am – 5 pm. 

For example, if you order something online on a Monday and it is expected to be delivered to you in “three business days,” then the package will arrive on Thursday if it’s not on a public holiday. 

Although, the length of a business day varies. Determined mainly by the country you are in and the company or establishment you work with.  

3 Business Days Breakdown:

 This is a breakdown of three working days, which is dependent on the day you start counting. 

• Monday = Thursday

• Tuesday= Friday

• Wednesday= Monday

• Thursday= Tuesday

• Friday= Wednesday

Saturday and Sunday are not included because they’re not considered business days. 

Let’s take another example. When you purchase something on a Wednesday, your package is expected to get to you on Monday, which represents 3 days (Thursday, Friday, and Monday).

However, there are times whereby a holiday will interfere with the stipulated day given to you. 

For example, if you bought an article on a Monday and Thursday, which happens to be the arrival day is a public holiday ( which means it’s not a business day). The three business days may take one more day to make up for a holiday.

How Long is a Business Day?

A business day, which is a work day, is regarded from Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm local time. Hence, if you order something on Tuesday and it says you will get your order within one business day, then you can expect to get the product on Wednesday. 

Nevertheless, if you purchased a product on Friday, then it will get to you on Monday. 

What is The Length of Three Business Days?

Three business days represent 3 work days in which business or transactions are done. If the business day starts on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, then it will be three straight days from Monday to Friday. But suppose the business day begins on Thursday. 

In that case, the three business days will be extended to the next week since Saturday and Sunday are not business days. 

How Long is a 3-Day Shipping? 

To avoid misunderstanding between you and your customers, always explain to them when they are to get their package. When someone places an order on a Wednesday, they believe it will get to them by the weekend because they start their count on Wednesday. Meanwhile, the days start counting from the next business day. 

Therefore, a 3-day order gets to the client the following Monday. Always call or email each client or customer to let them understand this. Because most people are unaware that the three business days circle starts the next day. This can save you a lot.


As a consumer or a business owner, it is essential to take note of the business days, especially when dealing with international deals, as business days do differ from country to country based on time zones and public holidays. 

When making a transaction with Middle Eastern Countries, always remember that the work days for some countries include Sunday through Thursday. 

Conclusively, business days and working days are the same. The days business is open, generally Monday – Friday, excluding federal holidays.

  1. What are the days considered a business day? 

Answer: Monday through Friday, excluding public holidays.

  1. Are working days the same as business days? 

Answer: Yes.

  1. How long is a business week? 

Answer: The number of days opened for business, generally Monday to Friday.