What is the program called where Starbucks gives away their coffee grounds for free? 

The program is called ” Grounds for your garden program”. This was started in 1995 as an initiative towards making healthy gardening more accessible to farmers and gardeners in need. 

Why did Starbucks start giving out coffee grounds for free? 

Being a huge coffee chain, it is quite evident Starbucks goes through thousands of cups of coffee every day, at each of its locations. With this many cups of coffee, also comes a huge amount of coffee grounds. These were initially considered waste and were thrown out in huge garbage bags for the local municipality to collect every morning. However, with extensive thought and a broad team of legislative, Starbucks drew to a conclusion that the coffee grounds could best benefit the local farmers. Hence, they started giving out these for free! 

Who can get these coffee grounds for free? 

In most of the authenticated and registered Starbucks outlets, anyone can drive up to the front window and get a bag of coffee grounds for free. However, sometimes the staff are strictly instructed to supply these only to local registered farmers. It is best to check with your Starbucks outlet of choice to make sure if they are validated for the supply or not. 

How does one get the coffee grounds for free? 

Getting coffee grounds for free at Starbucks is as simple as driving up to the front window and picking yourself a bag up. Most of the authenticated Starbucks outlets do have a bag of coffee grounds sitting right up front in the window, in reusable five-pound bags. In case you don’t see them, you can always ask one of the staff for it. It is advisable to carry your bag too, in case the five-pound reusable bag cannot be lent at the outlet. 

Is this service available at every Starbucks location? 

Unfortunately, the grounds for your garden program are not available at every Starbucks outlet. Pre-packaged bags of Grounds for Your Garden may not be available in all stores. It is always recommended that you check with your barista at your local store. They will see if used coffee grounds are available at your local Starbucks.

Does Starbucks go into loss by giving away coffee grounds for free? 

No. These coffee grounds have found a way to repurpose themselves, which otherwise would have landed up in the trash. 

Starbucks has an annual of exceeding 26.5 billion dollars. They are in no way going into loss by giving out these for free. 

The grounds for your garden campaign have led to many critics’ attention. This allowed Starbucks to build its name in the field of sustainably. Hence in a way, it has proved to be a profit. 

Is Starbucks eco-friendly? 

Starbucks emphatically affects the networks they serve one individual, each cup and one area in turn. As they have developed to more than 20,000 stores in 67 nations, so too has their obligation to involve our scale for great. It is their vision that together we will raise our accomplices, clients, providers, and neighbours to make positive change. In its 20 years, Grounds for Your Garden has advanced to turn into a significant piece of Starbucks’ work to diminish the natural effect of its stores. Even though fertilising the soil may not be industrially accessible in all districts, the program fills in as one more method for reusing coffee beans.

Are coffee grounds beneficial for your plant? 

Yes, coffee grounds have proven to be of great benefit for plants. Some of its benefits are as follows:

It contains many nutrients and minerals such as iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, etc that help provide nutrients to the soil. This helps in healthier plant growth.  Also, It helps attract worms in the soil, which are an important part of the plant growth process, It is an amazing fertilizer and helps decompose organic matter in the soil,And It has a considerable amount of nitrogen that helps with nitrogen fixation in soil, leading to better crop growth, It improves the texture of the soil by increasing its ability of water retention,

How to use coffee grounds to bring it to your plants’ benefit? 

Using coffee grounds for your soil to improve plant growth and health is very easy. Some of its steps are:

Make sure that the soil is well watered.  Scratch the top layer of soil.  Sprinkle this directly.  Cover the coffee grounds with the scratched-off soil.  Plant your seeds, and remember to water them regularly.  

This is how Starbucks is utilising their leftover ground coffee. They distribute it amongst the local gardeners and people in need, for absolutely no cost. This is how they are doing way more than just selling coffee. Starbucks is creating a global impact!