Over the years, PS has been used by individuals, organizations, and various marketing firms.

Individuals use it to communicate a feeling or expression left out when writing their letters. Organizations use it to address information they want employees to quickly pay attention to. Marketing firms have used it for a ‘call to action after a marketing email. PS has also been used for status updates, Blogspot stories, etc. It has amazingly become an interesting trend in our world today, thanks to artists and authors who have used it in hits and novels. As mentioned earlier, PS is used in drafting emails for various organizations and marketing firms. To this end, knowing how to use PS in email is very important because it will help you drive home your message correctly.  Also, PS has been used to boost customer experience and sales in marketing firms. If you are looking to convert your leads to customers then this article is a must-read for you.

What does PS represent?

PS simply means “written after”. This refers to a word, sentence, or paragraph written after writing and signing off a letter. PS which is a great way to include an afterthought to a letter can also be used as a channel to include a personal note to your receiver. It helps you properly communicate all the details you need to get across to your receiver. There are no stereotypes in the use of PS in your letter. It all depends on the recipient of the letter or email. You can also use PPS if you intend to add more details to your mail.

What is the correct way to type your PS?

There have been questions on what is the correct way to write PS. PS or P.S.? Well, the good news is both are correct depending on the style guide you follow. The Cambridge Dictionary states that PS is the British spelling while the P.S. is the American spelling. This means you must understand what works in your environment and stick to it. However, both are correct.

 Also, ensure that you write your PS in capital letters, rather than small letters.

How to use a PS in an Email?

Using PS in emails can achieve different results. This is because when a recipient opens a mail, research reveals that his/her attention is drawn to the PS and that is what they end up reading first. PS can either be used formally or informally depending on the tone of your letter. We will closely look at how to use PS in an email with various samples. They include:

  1. PS is used to add something you forgot to include in the body of your letter: If you are writing a letter to a loved one or sending an email to a colleague and you forgot to add important information. You can add it up, in this format:

Hello John,

How have you been? I didn’t see you at the fellowship today. It was indeed an awesome time in God’s presence. The hand of the Lord mightily moved in our

midst and we were soaked in Him. The meeting was recorded on tape. I hope you get it, so you don’t entirely miss out on everything.

Yours Truly,


PS: I got the hardcover, King James Version Bible, I promised you. I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting. I hope you like it.

  1. PS is also used to emphasize a particular subject: This could be something that has been mentioned in the body of the email. If you desire to repeat something so that your recipient does not forget, you can do that through the use of PS. This is because the use of PS helps to drive home a single point. Let’s look at a practical example:

Hello Blessing,

The plans for the outreach are coming out well. I am glad that the funds are coming in as expected. I am excited that we have been allowed to reach out to the girl-child. I am pleased to know that the girls in our host community will be privileged to learn from this outreach. Please don’t forget that we are depending on God. We are trusting Him to help us reach out to these young girls. Ensure that you put them in your prayers. May God help us.

Yours Sincerely,


PS: We are relying on God!! So, please pray for the girls. In God we trust.

  1. PS can also be used to add a little charm to a mail: It can be used to add a funny text or a loving note to a loved one. It allows you to express yourself in a truly distinct way. It helps you sincerely express your feelings at the end of a letter. A practical example would be:

Dear Josh,

Loving you is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. It makes every second worth living for! Some days, I am overwhelmed at how beautiful life with you has been. The truth is I don’t know what tomorrow holds but I look forward to each day because you are by my side. Honestly, waking up to your face every morning is the best gift life has given me.

Lots of love,


PS: I will keep loving you forever. I don’t want to ever stop! As each day breaks, it will be another opportunity to pour my love on you.

  1. PS can also be used to add an entirely different matter to an email: You may have an idea or body of thoughts entirely different from the subject matter discussed in the body of the email, that you intend to communicate to your recipient. Using a PS to pass the message is a simple and great idea. So instead of thinking of writing another mail, all you need to do is use a PS. A practical example would include:

Hello Lois,

I appreciate your interest in working with me. I received your samples and they caught my interest. Well, for the next phase of your application, I would like you to write on a topic.

The Topic is: How to use PS in an email and what it represents.

Here is what I expect:

Word count of 1000 words

Conversational writing style

No grammatical errors

No plagiarism

I believe in your ability Lois, Give it your best. I look forward to reading your article.

Yours Truly,

Josephine, Tee.

P.S: I have not gotten the latest music album of Theophilus Sunday, you promised to send. I will be waiting to receive them.  

  1. PS can also be used to present an argument: This can help you authoritatively present an argument. This could also help drive a point home in the mind of your recipient. Let’s take a look at this practical example:

Hello Peter,

I am writing to register my displeasure at the way you behaved at the team bonding meeting today. I expected more from you. I know you probably have your reasons for acting that way but, your attitude was uncalled for. I hope you will be patient enough to sit down and analyze your actions. And I sincerely hope you don’t repeat them.

Josephine Jay

Business Associate.

PS: Don’t even try to be defensive, because you were wrong to have acted that way.

Do well to send in a letter of apology to the persons involved.

  1. PS also is an excellent way to leave food for thought with an individual: Is there something you want your recipient not to forget? Do you want him/her to consciously walk in a pattern? Using a PS could be a better option for you. This is because it is the first and last thing they read in an email, so it has the opportunity of staying longer in their hearts. A practical example may include:

Dear James,

This is to remind you of the board meeting slated for 4 pm today. Please be informed that you will be moderating the meeting. I would like to plead that you discuss the points stated in the slides I sent to you earlier. Please ensure that you keep strictly to time. Avoid unnecessary discussions! Also, ensure that the minutes of the meeting are well documented.

Paul Steves,

General Manager.

PS: Time is a valuable currency! Know how you use it.  

Don’t waste your time. Also, don’t waste your colleagues’ time.

  1. PS can also be used for a call to action: PS has recently been used to promote several marketing campaigns. It has been used to introduce special offers to customers. It has also been used to call customers to act, after marketing their products. PS usually stands out from the other stories, so it makes it an effective tool in capturing customer’s attention. For example:

Hearty Lois,

Earlier this week, one of my readers sent me an email that made me emotional.

He stated that he had been struggling to come up with great content as a freelancer.  

He also added that he had gotten to the point where he almost gave up on his career as a writer.

He stumbled on my strategies and started using them and everything changed gradually. Now, he has more clients, he has made more money and he is looking forward to what the future holds.

Emails like this remind me of a time when I almost gave up on my career. And, I am glad I can help others.

P.S. Did you know that my recent course can help you overcome any freelancing obstacle quickly and easily? Now you know!! For more details, visit: www.freelancerswin.com

  1. PS can also be used to convey important sentiments: Lovers have used postscript to convey feelings to their partners. It is always beautiful to complete a letter to a loved one with words that truly convey your feelings to your partner. For example:  

Hey Israel,

I love the man you have become. I love how you have stayed true to your commitment to love me. And, I am grateful. Don’t forget to get the grocery list I sent earlier.

Yours Truly,


PS: I love you so much, Dude. And, I don’t want to stop loving you!!

See you soon.

  1. PS can also be used to add a personal touch to your correspondence: In marketing, PS is used to get conversational with the customer. Addressing the recipient with his/her name after a marketing campaign can appeal to the customer. It can also facilitate trust. Take a look at this:

Hello Lois,

We just finished offering a special edition of our writing academy. It was a wonderful experience, as I was excited to welcome dozens of students. I am looking forward to working with these ambitious writers.

Yours Truly,


PS: Lois, it would be a pleasure to welcome you to the writer’s academy.  Give it a try -www.Jasminewritershub.com.

  1. PS can also be used to expand your social network: For those in the business and professional setting, building a great network is very essential. This is because networking opens up doors of opportunity to individuals. You can use PS to give recipients your email and other social media addresses so they can follow you on your social media platforms. You can also leave your phone number, for those who are interested in building relationships on a personal level. For example:

Hello David,

It was a pleasure meeting you at the Conference today. I look forward to seeing you again.

Yours Sincerely,


P.S: Would you be free to call? If yes, call 080-000-987-879. It would be great to hear from you.

When PS is not necessary for your Email?

Since PS has become a trend in recent times, it is important to note that there are times when it is not important to add a PS to your mail. According to mail expert Lee Marc Stein, sometimes using PS is wrong in your mail.

He believes that it is wrong to use a PS when writing an email to an important executive. According to the mail expert, the wrong use of PS may divert the tone of your communication. Your thoughts should be in one bit and your mail should be kept professional.

He also added that a PS should not be used in a short letter. This is because a PS is an afterthought. Since it’s a short letter, then it has no room for an afterthought.

It is also not important to use a PS when you are applying for a job position in an organization. There is absolutely no need for a PS. Keep your letter focused on the job you are applying for. The only exception to this would be if you are applying for a marketing position.

Why must you use a PS in your Email?

The use of PS has grown in recent times. This is because using a PS in your email has numerous advantages. Some of them include:

  1. The Zeigarnik effect: This effect states that unfinished tasks place a tension on humans that makes them remember them quickly. It also makes them hurry to finish the task. PS is usually at the end of the email. So, if you use a PS, readers naturally hurry down to the end of the email i.e the PS because they subconsciously hurry to finish the email.

  2. It summarises the content of the email: PS is used by marketers to summarize the main content of the mail. They believe that customers read your PS first to determine if the mail is worth reading or not. If you spent your time sketching out a long email, it would be wise to restate the message in a PS. This would remind the reader of the message you have been trying to communicate.

  3. It adds a sense of urgency: PS offers more advantages to those in marketing. It makes customers see the need to act fast in making a decision. For example, if you are going through an email that illustrates the benefits of joining a writing class. You would notice that at the ‘PS’ there is an instruction to take any action to join the class. Marketers use this to win clients easily.

  4. PS gives you the privilege to emphasize a point: When you use a PS it helps you drive home your point. You may have spent time writing a long email, and chances are that 75% of recipients don’t spend time reading a long email. However, when you use a PS to emphasize your point, it helps readers get the message of the email faster.

  5. It creates room for a lighter tone: The use of PS gives you the privilege of adding another topic to your email. So, if you use the body of a message to talk about a very important topic. You can use the PS to introduce a lighter subject that will make the reader feel more comfortable. For example, A manager could write an email to reprimand an employee for his/her behavior at work. He could also use the PS to remind the employee of how hardworking he/she is. The manager could also urge the employee to keep up with his standard.

  6. PS helps you add a slogan or tagline: For those who own industries that have slogans. This is usually an opportunity to make readers get used to the slogan associated with the product or service you are offering. An example can be “PS:  Danny Marguilles, Keep freelancing to win”. When people see this anytime, they know that this slogan belongs to Danny.

  7. PS helps you tease a new offer: It can also be used to introduce a new package or offer. For organizations who have been in business, when they bring a new product or service on board. They use PS to suggest it to the user. Customers usually fall for the PS bait because the human mind is naturally inquisitive.

The benefits of using a PS are enormous. Take advantage of it, and you will be glad you did.

Can you use PS for a professional email?

Yes, PS can be used for a professional email. However, you must ensure that you maintain the tone of the subject of your email. You must try not to veer off from your original tone. This is because your PS could ruin a perfect email or make it. So, use it well.

What is the correct way to write a PS in an email?

The way you use your PS should be strictly according to your choice. Study what works best for you or what is accepted in your environment and use it. If you choose to use “PS” or “P.S.” endeavor to write them correctly. Avoid using the wrong punctuation mark, after writing your PS. The right punctuation to use after your PS is a colon(:). You can also write your PS in small letters.

What does PS signify in an email?

PS comes from the Latin word Postscriptum, which means “afterthought”. It is used to add extra thoughts or information that comes after a letter has been written. It can be used to express a feeling, thought, or call customers to action. It can be a pointer to the message the writer intends to pass across to his reader.