A delay in Walmart orders generally means it will take longer than usual to deliver. The root cause for this is mainly the backorders which play a huge role in disrupting the inventory. Some of the products in the order that Walmart does not currently have gets confirmed and therefore, the processing solely gets dependent on the supplier. Hence, results in a delay. 

How long does Walmart usually take to deliver?

Walmart usually takes 2 to 10 working days, primarily depending on the product you are ordering. For groceries, it is typically less than 3 business days whereas, for electronic items such as gaming consoles it would probably take longer than expected. Once your order is confirmed, the status of the package gets shifted to the processing stage. It takes a few hours to process your order. A delay at this stage might be due to the limited stock supply or the reasons that we will discuss below.

What types of order delays occur at Walmart?  

There are different kinds of delays that might take place; delivery and pickup. Delivery orders are the orders that are supposed to be distributed to the customer’s place. Whereas pickup orders are to be picked up by the customers from the mart, the only thing the retailer is required to do in these orders is to make sure they collect and pack whatever products the customer has asked to. 

A delivery delay directs to the fact that either a problem has arisen with the shipping or handling team or a complication might have fallen out due to any discrepancy in the inventory count, and that is also usually why a pickup gets delayed.  

Delays due to Insufficient Stock   

Backorders are another most important reason for pickup or delivery delay in your order at Walmart. Backorders are the orders that Walmart accepts even though that particular product is absent from the inventory. It waits for the new inventory to arrive and once the stock level fills up, it starts delivering the products to the customers. However, at times the supplier is unable to source the product efficiently and that causes a delay. This delay is transmitted to Walmart’s clients booming up the frustration. 

Shipping and Handling Delays

Walmart usually hires FedEx or USPS for shipping and handling, any impediment in shipping progress directs to the fact that Walmart has given off your order however, the delay is triggered due to these delivery services. 

The late delivery is contingent on the situations in different areas of the country or an internal issue of the delivery service might also play a role. Walmart eases its customers by providing them access to the tracking system where you can easily look for shipment status. 

To sum up, Walmart usually does not take long enough to deliver but if it does it is mainly because of the insufficient supply or lack of the products in the inventory. Sometimes a delay is also caused due to problems at delivery agencies’ end but mostly it is due to backorders that e-commerce sites are generally fond of. Depending solely on the supplier might constitute to delay and once the supplier can meet its deadline for the delivery, the customer too will be able to get his product on time.  

How do I track my order?

To track your order, make sure you have logged in to your Walmart account. Next, select the order you want to track and tap on the track shipment option. You will be able to see your order’s current and past status. 

Another easy way to track is to just enter your order number in the drop box which you will get after you select the “track your order” bar. 

What should I do if my order is delayed?

The best thing to do is definitely to wait! However, you can always contact Walmart by emailing them or you can ring them up with the given contact number on their website.  

Can I cancel my order if it gets delayed? 

Canceling a Walmart order is not that easy. To cancel, you will need to contact them at Customer Service (either by mailing them or calling them on the number provided on their website) and will have to put down your cancelation request. It is up to the Walmart management to accept or reject your request. Usually, when the delay occurs at the shipping stage, canceling the request might not be accepted.