What Does Going Down Mean Sexually?

In the 21st century, many slangs and phrases have been introduced. To go down on somebody is one of the most famous sex slang that means oral sex in plain language. To elaborate, it is the process of touching, rubbing, and nibbling your partner’s genitals with your mouth to give extreme pleasure by increasing stimulation.

Oral sex or going down is the most commonly used sexual activity because it is proven to enhance sexual intensity, especially for women as it is more difficult for them to get turned on. Men use their mouth, lips, and tongue in addition to their hands or fingers to increase clitoris stimulation to intensify the process of orgasm. However, it is not always as easy as it may seem to go down on somebody. Undoubtedly, oral sex is the easiest way for enhanced sexual provocation, yet, whether men or women, both face certain difficulties in finding their partner’s release points. 

Know your partner’s pleasure pathways!

Every foreplay has one rule, to know what your partner desires and what gives him/her pleasure. There is no one course of oral sex, you can always be a little experimental and find what works best for you and your partner. Explore your options, try using your fingers and mouth simultaneously, or move up and down. Make sure to make the clitoris central, because it is your pathway to your partner’s pleasure. Clitoris has the most nerve endings and is the fastest and most intensified way to make your partner come. 

Go slow and pay attention! 

Never start from square one. It is important to give your partner the headspace before going rogue. Sensual pleasures come slow and you should first cater to the mind’s pleasure before moving to the body’s pleasure. Pay attention to how your partner’s body reacts, the way it moves, and the sounds your partner makes. Note the movements your partner makes. In the case of a woman, if she is thrusting her pelvic towards your hands and mouth, this is your cue to keep your magic working! Slowly work your way up to her releasing point while having the time of your life.

Be vocal!

In going down, your body speaks louder than any words! Be vocal about what you’re doing, and encourage your partner to tell you what he/she wants. Be sure to moan yourself! As it will uplift your partner to do it without feeling any kind of embarrassment. 

Sexual appetite can always be increased through manual methods before getting into cunnilingus. Go slow and keep narrating your steps. Say some sweet words to your partner, and praise her body, this works like magic! Some pre-cunnilingus methods that you can use are massaging your partner’s clitoris in gentle motion or using your fingers first and then your mouth or vice versa. 

Be consistent! 

Consistency is the key to pleasure! As per reports, women take double the time in getting turned on as compared to men. But no worries! Once you’ve found something that has turned your partner on, keep it going until your partner gets all breathy and loud. Intensive oral sex comes slow and after some effort, so make sure to keep your patience and build up some stamina for it! Read the unsaid rules and demands, when you or your partner feel the orgasm approaching, DO NOT STOP! Stick to your act and make it worth the time. You might wonder how can you know when it is time, there are some bodily signs that you should pay close attention to. When orgasm is approaching, the body starts getting tensed and there is some extra strain on muscles. This is when you know it is close. Take your act a notch up and get that all! 

Keep moving!

Tensing of muscles is called myotonia and can cause delay or withdrawal from the orgasm altogether. One way to not let myotonia interfere with your partner’s orgasm is to keep your body moving in rhythmic movements. You can choose your position accordingly, changing positions is also advisable as long as you keep the act intact without taking long pauses. Humans tend to keep their body rigid while sexual acts when they feel the orgasm coming because for an orgasm to happen, you need to let your body go which can be difficult for some. 

You might wonder why put so much effort into something so short-lived which has no long-term benefits? This is where you have got it all wrong. Apart from strengthening the bond between two people, going down has much more benefits that have been ignored by many. 

Relieves pain and enhances your health

Having orgasm through intercourse or outercourse is the remedy for pain relief and you need to try it as soon as possible! Oxytocin is a chemical that is known for relieving pain when it is released in your brain. It further expands your pain threshold and makes it better. A survey confirms that pain tolerance in women increased by 74.6% to 106.7% after consistent orgasms over the period.  

In addition to that, going down on somebody or getting it on yourself is good for your overall health. It increases your immunity, and your cardio health, and keeps your blood pressure under control.

Anti-aging and longer life

The list getting longer because it is endless! Your partner’s genetic material or what you can also call male semen is the magic for your wrinkles and all anti-aging concerns. Of course, you do not have to apply it directly, just consuming a pinch is enough. From working as an anti-aging remedy to improving your quality of life, oral sex is the key to living a happy and healthy life! The happier you will be, the longer you will live because it will keep you away from major stress and keep your immunity strong against several diseases.


To go down on somebody sexually means to indulge in oral sex activities to give pleasure to your partner and to make the sexual intercourse more erotic. Commonly used as foreplay or outercourse, it can be performed in various forms and ways because no one body is similar to the other one when it comes to finding your pleasure. You can find your hit point by trying different techniques and being consistent with your moves.

Should you use condoms while going down on your male partner? 

It is totally up to you! However, you can always increase the fun with flavored condoms because that is what it is for! And it can also keep you safe from getting any infection. 

Is there any side-effect of oral sex that you should know about? 

Oral sex comes with some side effects or risks. These include getting HIV or any kind of STD/infection. Your partner’s semen could be the carrier of any infection. Stay clear of them and get yourself regularly checked for them! 

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