The United States Postal Service, commonly abbreviated as USPS is a postal service delivering couriers and letters from the United States of America to pretty much 180 countries around the globe and counting. 

Based on the locations it delivers to and also the number of mails and packages it sends to the receivers make it one of the largest postal systems in the whole world. And standing on top of the list is no small feat and USPS takes this responsibility seriously and works dedicatedly.

What does forwarded mean in USPS?

Forwarded in USPS implies that it is forwarded for delivery. This implies that the courier has been forwarded to a new location. You would receive a notification saying “forwarded for delivery” as soon as you put in the tracking Id on the USPS website. 

To understand why you get that notification, you must understand why it gets forwarded. Described below is why mails or packages are forwarded.

Why do emails get forwarded to USPS?

Mails get forwarded in USPS if there is a change of address of the receiver. If a person has changed their address for delivery of the package, they would have to notify all their senders which is a tedious task to think of. Therefore, USPS came up with a solution requiring minimal effort. 

You can change your address in your USPS account and any packages sent to you would be “forwarded” to this address.

Can a wrong address get the mail forwarded?

Yes, a wrong address is one of the most common reasons why emails are forwarded to different locations. Henceforth check the delivery address twice before submitting the parcel for delivery.

Also ensure that your handwriting on the top of the parcel, listing the address is legible and understandable for the delivery person to understand.

These are another few reasons why your parcels get forwarded.

What are the types of forwarding services available in USPS?

There are three types of forwarding services available that you can work within USPS.

Permanent change of address:

If you are permanently changing your address and do not want your packages to be left behind at your old location, this is what you should do. 

You should go to the website of USPS and type for “official change of address”. This would help you to permanently change your address into a new one.  To complete this request, a transaction fee of 1 US dollar and 5 cents is deducted from your account. For this transaction to take place, an email address and a debit or credit card are required from which the amount is deducted. After this, a confirmatory email would be sent to the email address you have filled in the form. This marks the official change of your address in USPS.

A lot of users are confused about why USPS would require money when they request a change in the address. This transaction occurs to prevent any fraud from occurring. On the internet, multiple sites state that they would help you in changing your address and else. To prevent you from falling into these traps, a transaction fee is requested.

Temporary change of address:

This forwarding service is for when you are temporarily changing locations and would return to the previous location quite soon. It is for only a short stay at a different address.

The time frame for this temporary change of address is from 15 days to 6 months. 

Get on the USPS website and request a temporary change in the address. On the USPS calendar, select the date from which you request your packages to be delivered to your new address. Fill out your new address and confirm the date from which you can receive packages at this new location. After filling in these details, your package would be delivered in 7 business days at this new address.

Premium forwarding service:

This service is included under the premium of USPS. In this service, your mails are held and sent to your location weekly. They provide the receiver’s flexibility and control over the location and timing of delivery of their USPS packages. 

A forwarded mail in USPS means that the receiver has had a recent change in their address and they have enlisted it on the USPS website thus the package is being forwarded to a new address. 

It could also mean that you have put a wrong address and the mail is being forwarded to that address. You can correct this by changing the address of the delivery. Bad handwriting on the parcel may confuse the delivery person and cause your mail to be forwarded again. 

These are the possible reasons why mails are forwarded in USPS. We hope you found this article useful.