Photoshop Dodge is a layer masking technique that darkens areas in an image by subtracting color from the pixels in the area.

Color dodge mode is a photographic technique that allows the photographer to selectively avoid certain colors while still taking photos. This can be helpful when trying to capture a specific color palette without having to worry about overexposing other colors in the photo.

No, Dodge does not lighten or darken in Photoshop.

There are a few programs that can do color dodge. One is GIMP, which is free and open source. Another is Adobe Photoshop, which can be purchased for a fee.

Dodge tool is used to create a layer mask in Photoshop.

Glow Dodge is software that helps you dodge and burn in photos. It makes your photos look like they were taken with a light source behind them, which can make them look more realistic.

Dodge and Burn is a technique used in photo editing to remove elements from an image.

Color Dodge is a painting technique that uses different colors to create a blended or blurred effect.

Color Dodge Burn is a type of photography that uses a combination of color filters to create an effect where the colors appear to be burned out.

The Dodge tool is used for sculpting and modifying the surface of an object. The Burn tool is used for burning or destroying selected areas of an object.