Just as boys like to be called a specific name in certain situations, likewise girls are wired to operate that way. Some girls love being called (honey) while some find it condescending, and thereby, belittling their prestige. It could be because everybody uses the endearment, so she feels it is overused and not sincere. All in all, situations warrant how you give an endearment to a girl. Before deciding to give a girl a nickname, you must consider some factors like her personality, looks, intelligence, behavior, and all other attributes you can lay your hand on. It will help you instantly pick up the nickname that best benefits her since the name can be a personalized and touchy subject for everyone.

Top 7 Names Girls Like To Be Called

The true beauty of a woman is a reflection of her soul thereby, be a good man and analyze who she is before you decide to give her a nickname. But in the meantime, this is the list of the best name you can call a girl


Baby is a great start when picking a nickname because it serves as a go-to name, and at the same time, a unique name for both genders. Calling a girl baby will make the girl feel protected, adored, delicate, and soft. Baby is a good nickname. Although it is common, it is also a non-offensive name. However, not all girls like being called that because it will make them feel small.


Darling is a very good option to call a girl, it is even considered one of the romantic names for a girl. The nickname started during the 1900s when the rugged and strong-jaw men whispered sweet things to their significant other, and since then, it is still one of the names that girls do not shy away from. Instead, it makes them feel wanted, desired, and affected by the person saying it.


Gorgeous sometimes are not taken that seriously because it portrays a physical attraction. Gorgeous can be a step-up nickname for a girl you share a closer bond with. It is because it makes them feel confident, beautiful, and unique. 


This is another traditional nickname apart from Darling. Calling girl honey feels more personal to “hun” thereby, elevating their feelings. It is used both in a teasing situation and a romantic one, it is also gender-neutral and makes a girl feel sweet, treasured, and loved.


Nothing gladdens the heart of a girl most if not a guy calling her an angel. It shows that you do not only love her, but you also worship her. It also portrays you seeing her as a pure and perfect person since angels are celestial being that sits beside God, and they are God-sent. Angel to girls means they are powerful, extraordinary, and perfect.


Sugar and sweetness are mostly similar nicknames, they best befit certain situations. It indicates that she is the sweetness in your world, but sometimes it can come as creepy when spoken to the wrong person. But if the dynamics between both couples felt sweetened then it is an amazing nickname. Girls felt sweet and sugary if they are called that

My love

The best way to call a girl and at the same time make them feel the action of your love is through this nickname. She knows she is the love of your life but assuring her by calling her that, is a great name to tighten your bond. It could be Love, My love, or Lover, they all portray sweetness, romance, and warmness.


It has been stated above that there is a different affectionate and loving name you can call a girl, and they will enjoy it. But some names are best left for specific situations and people for others, so it is not to sound creepy. The best method to know how to give a girl a nickname has also been listed above.

Do girls like to be called cutie pie?

No, they don’t. They will only like this if you are her boyfriend, but if not, you have not unlocked that level yet.

Do cute girls like being called “kitten”?

Not unless their name is Kitten. Would you enjoy, if you were cute, being called puppy? If you find her cute and would like to talk to her, take the time to find out her real name. To call her kitten is demeaning.