Throughout the millennia, Cleopatra is portrayed differently. Some descriptions of her enigmatic personality came from the evaluations from historians and philosophers after years of study. The movie “Cleopatra” played by Elizabeth Taylor in 1963 portrayed her as a charismatic seductress, with a stimulating presence.  Many artifacts defined her face with a round chin, full lips, broad forehead, and dark hair. The best description of her features came from the coins made in her name.

History of Cleopatra:

Cleopatra VII was an Egyptian queen and the last of her descendant. She struggled to get the throne from her teenage brother. Meanwhile, the Roman general Julius Caesar arrived at the Alexandria. He was intrigued about the family feud that was going on there. Caesar took the residence at the Alexandria palace and summoned the siblings to settle the matter with peace. To regain the throne, she sneaked into the palace by wrapping herself in a carpet and presented herself in front of Caesar. She appeared in front of Caesar in the best form and offered a gesture to get help from him.  He was captivated by the beauty of this young woman that he safely helped her to get the throne.  After Caesar’s murder, she married Mark Antony. But Mark Antony was defeated by Octavian forces during the Roman Civil War. They both committed suicide instead of being a prisoner to Octavians.

The appearance of Cleopatra:

Her portrayal in the film is that of a sultry female, with glorious eyes, and raven hair. She wears revealing gowns to describe her power. History scholars have searched to verify her image but none of it can be agreed to.

 Her body was never discovered, so her appearance claims are mere theories.

Some potential leads came from the coins minted during her power. All coins have something different but the most projecting features were aquiline nose and jutting chin. Each side of the coins bears one side of her face.  She had curly hair, not the bangs that were commonly interpreted. Many descriptions were unambiguous to portray her more like a god than a human.  Even after these claims about her appearance, everyone agreed her to be beautiful. Here are the words of Plutarch, a Greek Philosopher “Her beauty is incomparable, conversation with her had an irresistible charm, and her presence was stimulating. Her tone has some sweetness, she could turn to whatever language she pleased. ”

Race of Cleopatra:

As much as her facial appearance is a point of discussion so is her race. Was she Greek, Egyptian, White, or Black? 

Archaeologists proposed that Cleopatra’s sister Arnisone and their mother had an African skeleton based on the analysis of the body.  It has also been claimed that their paternal grandmother was indigenous Egyptian and hence potentially “black”.  Despite these anomalies in her family history, most scholars of the Greco-Roman era describe her as “white” as this matches their credible description. However, black and white were not ancient categories to describe race rather “Egyptian”, “Macedonian”, “Greek”, and “African” terms were used.  Deciding in which category Cleopatra fits is a tough row to hoe. But there can’t be a clear description of her race as all the claims are to perpetuate a political and social position. Ancient sources never claimed to describe her race as this is a modern concept to create a political position in this regard.

Five Facts about Cleopatra:

She was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty. She married two of her brothers to preserve their bloodline. She used her image to claim her political position. She was a smart, intelligent, strong female. She had four children.


The appearance of the enigmatic personality of Cleopatra has been a topic of interest to all historians, philosophers, and archaeologists. She still looms in the people’s imagination. Despite her brilliance and charm, people depict her front as a ravishingly seductive female. People are obsessed to describe her as “beautiful” whatever it means, rather than focusing on her influential character. Eventually, new media depictions should consider her as charismatic, brilliant, and, charming. Despite 2,000 years each generation still tries to recreate her appearance whatever suits their needs.

How did Cleopatra die?

Cleopatra and her husband Mark Antony committed suicide when Octavians took over.

What happened to Egypt when Cleopatra died?

After her death, Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire.

What made Cleopatra so powerful?

Her charismatic appearance, seductive nature, and intelligence made her a powerful character.

What are Cleopatra’s skills?

She was skilled in philosophy, mathematics, linguistics, economics, etc.

Was Cleopatra’s body discovered?

No one was able to discover her body. Coastal erosions in Africa are currently underwater, so her tomb or body remains undiscovered.

What was Cleopatra’s city called?

The City of Alexandria is a home for her palace.

How long did Cleopatra rule?

Cleopatra ruled Egypt for 21 years.