Eaglemark offer loan services for:

Your mortgage Your cars, aircraft, and motorcycles Your credit cards Your personal useYour business Your Studies

Eaglemark is located at 222 W. Adams St. Suite 2000, Chicago. You can reach the bank on their customer care line at 1-800-700-2312. Visit their website at eaglemark.com or go to a local Harley-Davidson dealer.

What Credit Bureau does Eaglemark use?

An article by Oakland H-D Contributor in 2017, states that Eaglemark Savings Bank makes use of all credit bureaus. The bank works in a way to help you build up your credit so you can get access to the good things of life. 

Credit Bureaus are firms that give the financial standing of individuals by data collection of all financial engagements from many creditors. And all information gathered is sent to the consumer reporting agency, USA. Information gathered is basically on your payment history, how many credit accounts you have, and how long you’ve had that history. Currently, there are about 3 of them:


For most auto loans, however, the credit bureau used is usually Experian and Equifax. This is because these credit bureaus have a direct link with the auto industry and they also receive revenue from them.

What Credit Score do they Require?

Harley Davidson has decided to be silent on credit scores for reasons best known to them. However, to have more chances at assessing financing, you should have a credit score of at least 670 and above. 

How can I improve my Credit Score?

Do you have a low credit score and you need to improve it to get better financing? There are just a few things you need to do:

Ensure your payments are made on time. Make your payments automatic so it registers immediately. Make sure you amend any existing mistake on your credit report. Make sure your credit report each of the credit bureaus is aligning and correct. Inform the credit bureau in the event of a mistake in anyone. Start paying your credit card debts from the ones with high-interest rates to the ones with low-interest rates. This will help you save some money.

How much down payment do I make to get a Harley-Davidson motorcycle?

If you’re working on reducing your payment then a higher down payment will make a lot of sense. But according to Oakland H-D Contributor, you will have to be made, typically a down payment of about 10% to 20% of the bike fee. That is, if the amount of the bike you are interested in is $20,000, you will make a down payment from $2,000 (10%) to $4,000. 

How long does it take to get a motorcycle loan approved?

Financing a motorcycle isn’t a big deal at Harley-Davidson. The steps are simple and easy plus you get your bike in no time. All you need to do is simply visit a local dealer closest to you and make your intentions known. They will help you go through the process. Your interest rate can go as low as 3.49%! If that isn’t amazing, I wonder what is.

 How long can your loan stay?

Don’t fear. There’s absolutely nothing to worry about.  Your loan can be stretched for up to 7 years! That’s more than enough time to pay off your debt nicely and smoothly. But you may consider paying off sooner than that if you intend to sell your vehicle as these things can depreciate quickly.

What are the requirements for an Auto loan?

Well, the requirements needed to assess loans from Eaglemark for a Harley-Davidson are not something so unrealistic. They are very simple, clear cut processes:

You of course should be up to 18 and above. You must be earning some money. Proof that you earn some amount of money monthly will be required as you will be expected to make payments monthly. You must be living within the US. There has to be proof that you live where you claim to be living. Your DTI ratio should be low. DTI is short for debt-to-income ratio. This will show that you have a good amount of money left after paying your monthly bills. A DTI ratio of at least 43% and below will set you up on the right foot. Another thing that can put you on the books for a loan is your credit score. As earlier stated, Harley-Davidson is not so particular about the credit score but to be in a good position, a credit score of  670 and above will attract just the loan you want.

We have covered in this article all information about the financials at Eaglemark. No matter how bad your credit situation looks, Harley-Davidson has something for everyone. Get started!