What Channel Is Dog TV On Comcast?

Dog tv is a special Tv channel created to provide complete and qualitative visual entertainment for dogs all day long to relax and keep them engaged in the absence of their owners and also solve issues of dog separation anxiety, hyperactivity, and boredom which is said to result in dog aggression and restlessness.

Dog tv runs on Xfinity, the TV subsidiary of Comcast, and has actively entertained and relaxed millions of dogs on a 24/7 basis for a couple of years.

It is a restricted channel that is made available to interested Xfinity subscribers upon payment of a monthly subscription fee of $4.99 per month.

The channel aims to achieve happier, more relaxed, and more friendly dogs by providing our furry best friends with television programs that feature more colors, graphics and sound adjustments specially made to appeal to their senses, The channel specifically avoids colors like red and green which cannot be seen by dogs due to their color blind nature and gives special consideration to brighter colors like yellow or blue which can easily be picked by dogs.

What kind of programs feature on Dog tv?

Dog tv features programs that deal with everyday life, it features eye-catching and interesting scenes such as landscapes, beaches, fields, parks, pools, football pitches amongst other such scenes which are portrayed through programs like water dogs, noise phobia and dogs in cars.

The programs on Dog tv are divided into 3 segments daily which are:

The relaxation segment- this segment normally features relaxing and solemn programs that relax the dogs and calms them through features like classical music. The stimulation segment- this segment features playful scenes to help stimulate the senses of the dogs. The exposure segment- this segment features programs that aim to make dogs more comfortable with their environment by giving them a closer insight into everyday life and activities with the use of special sounds and effects such as the blaring of horns, riding of cars, the sound of doorbells, etc.

Does Dog tv feature programs for humans

Dog tv does not only feature programs targeted at dogs alone as their pet parents are not left out of the schedule of programs for their pets which programs are built to not only educate and enlighten the pet parents about their dogs but further help to create special moments for the dogs and their owners and also further strengthen their bond, examples of such programs are Things we woof about, The adoption show, and Dogstar amongst others.

The most recent in the lineup of shows meant to create inclusive entertainment for the dogs and their parents is the ‘The Dog Chef’ this show billed to be hosted by celebrity chef Kevyn Matthews will feature visits to the home of both celebrity and regular dog parents and their dogs by Kevyn Matthews himself where he will be showcasing different recipes to help resolve common food-related dog illnesses caused by poor or wrong dieting and also showcase topnotch delicacies for our furry best friends.

Who created Dog tv?

Dog tv was created by Ron Levi and Guy Martinovski after over 6year of scientific research on dog entertainment, the channel was eventually launched on the 13th of February 2012. The channel was co-owned by both Ron and Guy in equal shares initially however Guy who was the first CEO of the channel eventually sold his shares to Jasmine Group.


Now we have learnt ‘What Channel Is Dog TV On Comcast?’, With the array of programs lined up on Dog tv on Comcast, every member of the family now has access to amazing tv time.

Does the channel feature other animals?

No Dog tv does not feature other animals at the moment, according to the founder dogs get agitated at the sight of other animals and so featuring the other animals will make them agitated and restless instead of making them calm and happy.

Does Dog tv feature only on Comcast?

Dog tv does not feature only on Comcast, it features on other platforms such as Apple TV, DIRECTV, RCN, Chromecast, FireTv, Roku, and on Android and IOS devices.

Does Dog tv feature programs for humans?

Dog tv has special programs created to meet the needs of both dog parents and their dogs, it helps them in the bonding process.