Youtube shorts is the new feature on the app where people can express their talent in 15 seconds to 1-minute clips. It is considered the best feature for a person who wants to build their career as an influencer but doesn’t have any experience or devices. Through these clips, one can create subscribers’ engagement on their account and can become an influencer by earning from making Youtube shorts. 

Many people have great ideas in their minds but do not execute them on the screen. To make perfect Youtube shorts, one should follow the small steps which may bring great engagement on their channel. 

Steps To Create Youtube Shorts:

One should follow the below steps to create a Youtube Short. The steps are:

Log In To Youtube:

The first step for making Youtube short is to create a channel on the Youtube app. After making the channel, one can sign in on the app. Give a name to your account of your choice, and you are ready to share shorts on Youtube.

Create a Video:

For making the short, one should click on the ‘ Create a short ‘ option. After clicking on the above option, set the time limit for creating the clip. The time limit can be 15, 30, or 60 seconds. A person can choose the time limit according to their wish. After setting a time limit, one can add sound and filter of their choice. Hence, these are the simple steps to create Youtube short videos.

Editing Is a Must:

Anyone can create a video, but only a few give a better look at it by editing. After recording the video, one can crop the part of the video which didn’t get recorded properly. One can add texts of the message a person wishes to give their audience. Add a timeline for the sentence according to the scenes in the video.

Upload The Video:

  After finishing the editing of the video, one can upload it on Youtube by clicking on the Next option in the upper right corner. One can add the age limit that no user below that age watches your video. The further step is to make your video private or public. By marking your clip private, only your close people can see it. If you make your video public, everyone can see it. After doing all these procedures, one can upload the video by clicking on the publish option.

Hence through these steps, one can create a Youtube Short.

Ways To Grow Your Youtube Engagement:

Getting an engagement on the Youtube channel is not everyone’s cup of tea. Though it’s hard, it’s not impossible. Here are the ways through which one can grow engagement on their Youtube channel. They are:

Every day new trends are originated on Youtube. If a creator makes a video on trendy topics, Youtube will automatically recommend the channel’s name in the home menu to all the users. Though one may have a helping hand with date videos, the creator should put all efforts into making the clip meaningful.

Most people see the videos through the thumbnail on the home menu. If one wants to get engagement on their channel, they should focus on creating a good-looking thumbnail. Another thing one should remember while designing a thumbnail is that it should inform the audience about the content of the video.   

   An artist is nothing without their audience. After achieving the goal of the aimed subscribers or getting the Youtube silver or gold button, give gifts as giveaways to a few of your subscribers. 

For example, if one achieves a silver play button, they can give a giveaway to their 20 subscribers according to their profession. If a creator is a fashion influencer, they can provide fashion accessories like hats, T-shirts, jackets, bracelets, etc. To their followers.   

We hope the above information may help you to create the best Youtube shorts. Showcase your talents in the clips and make your communities. At last, we would say, be confident and take a shot.

How would Youtube recommend my channel to the users?

Ans. One will have to make at least 30 videos and clips to make Youtube recommend their channel to the users. Other than this, one can try creating clips on trendy topics.

I started making shorts on Youtube. A user is trolling me. What should I do? 

Ans. If a user is trolling you, ignore them, all people are not praisers. If the user abuses you, report their Youtube id for making hate comments.