Features of warm colors

Warm colors evoke liveliness, noise, and mobility. Warm colors show the dimensions of the surfaces larger than they are. They show things and assets closer. Warm colors are suitable for clustering. If used in cold, they give vitality, but if used in hot, they will be overwhelming. They are more easily noticed than cold colors. Warm colors are used in environments that attract attention. Being in environments where warm colors are constantly used can cause uneasiness. According to some researches, warm colors are used in many buildings because it makes people feel lively.

Features of cool colors

They are soothing and provide a feeling of freshness. They make the surfaces and dimensions smaller than they are. They show assets and things further away. If used between warm tones, it has a cooling effect. If used in too cold temperatures, they will be cold.

Warm colors are


When you look at red, you see the warmth and redness of the flame. When you look at the orange, you feel the sun, and when you look at yellow, you feel the light and warmth. Since the vibration energies of the air’s mentioned colors are very intense, they affect the eye more quickly than other colors. Since the earliest days of primitive society, warm colors have attracted people’s attention more quickly, and warm colors dominate the light-receiving parts of beings. The most obvious effect of warm colors is to add vitality and joy to the soul.

Cool colors are


Compared to warm colors, cold colors have less vibration energy, so they are not noticeable in the first place. The effect of cold colors on the soul is sadness, calmness, and stillness. They are especially located in the shadowy and dark parts of the beings or pictures. The presence of only warm or only cool colors in a picture does not create a pleasant effect, but both shades should be used in harmony. For example, the background of a model with warm colors should be prepared from cold colors. Particular attention should be paid to the harmony between warm and cold tones when adjusting color transitions.

What are the meanings and effects?

Blue: When used in dark tones, it evokes gloom, and when used in light tones, it represents serenity. It is the symbol of digestion and protection. Green: It leaves a soft and positive feeling in all its shades. It is a symbol of joy and calmness. Yellow: It is one of the colors that make the heat and light feel the most beautiful. It radiates warm feelings in every area it is used. It is the symbol of communication and contact. Red: It is the symbol of power and passion. It affects everywhere it is used. It is the color of the control. It excites and stimulates.

Throughout history, many civilizations have wondered how colors affect people. They have developed many theories for this. According to their conclusion, by mixing the primary colors in the color circle, warm and cool colors are obtained. Hot and cold colors are two opposite color groups. You can choose cool colors in small areas where you want calmness and tranquility.

Cold and warm colors do not always have to be used independently of each other. You can achieve balance by using two tones together. A few aesthetic touches are enough to make these contrasting colors dance in harmony. Our eyes perceive colors of different wavelengths differently, so it is easy to create depth perception. The step is to know in what amount we will use the warm and cold colors.

The intensity of the use of warm and cold colors in our areas affects even our mood. Therefore, there should be a balanced distribution. Only cold or only warm colors in the space can leave bad reflections on our mood. We should evaluate and use the remaining tones according to whether they are warm or cold.

One of the most important points of design in decoration is color preferences. We encounter colors at every point of our daily life, and every color we encounter corresponds to a feeling and meaning in our brain. At this point, warm colors make us excited, raise our blood pressure, remind our passion, and thus increase body temperature. The more vivid and intense warm colors are, the more dominant their effect on us.

On the other hand, cool colors have an effect that slows down blood pressure, calms, distracts from exciting thoughts, lowers body temperature, and refreshes. Since the effect of each color is different, different colors should be chosen according to each ambiance. If you want to create a peaceful and calm resting environment, your choice should be cold colors. If you want to create a high-energy and enthusiastic entertainment environment, you should choose warm colors.

But it is often risky to create an environment with only warm or only cool colors because it is too hot or suffocating if it is too cold. The first step to creating a balanced ambiance is to use warm and cool colors in proportion. One of the most guaranteed methods is to use different combinations. You can bring them next to each other, or you can use the opposite combination.

When you want to use cool and warm tones, you should consider soft color transitions and flow. For non-tiring transitions, mid-tones and auxiliary colors can be used. You do not always have to use contrasting colors, but contrasting colors create exquisite transitions. An environment that embraces many color spectrum As long as warm and cool colors are spread evenly. It turns into a full visual festival.

Some details need to be considered when using warm and cold tones in spaces. Each place is affected by light at a different level and differently. If you have an area that is less exposed to sunlight, you can use warm colors to fill this gap. You balance the temperature and get a cool feeling.

If you think that you are missing out on cold colors, you can immediately balance it with a warm color accessory. Or, if you are overwhelmed with warm colors, you can use cool-colored accessories. You can create striking contrasts by choosing the strongest tones between warm and cold colors. The important thing is to take advantage of the attractive contrast of heat and cold. It is always a useful tactic to pick the palest among the warm colors and the most vibrant ones among the cold colors.

Let’s talk about neutral colors

What are the neutral colors?

Neutral colors such as black and white and gray are called neutral colors. It is obtained by mixing the primary colors in certain proportions.

They are generally used as a floor. They can be combined with brighter colors. Neutral colors can be easily affected by the warm and cool colors around them. They can be used on their own or they can be used in different combinations.

In summary, the meanings of the colors are:

Red: Passion, excitement, noise, enthusiasmOrange: Vitality, energy, heat, and lightYellow: hope, optimism, happinessGreen: innovation, nature, innocenceBlue: calmness, calmness, responsibilityPurple: creativity, originalityBlack: mystery, grace, darkGray: uniformBrown: health and safetyWhite: purity and cleanliness

The use of warm and cool colors in makeup

The use of warm and cool colors varies according to the surfaces and seasons. Using the right colors, a work of art can be created with makeup on the skin surface. In make-up, we should use warm and cool colors in a balanced way as in places. Just like in paints, there are warm and cool tones in the skin. Usage areas of Warm and Cool Colors

As we mentioned before, warm colors are the colors that are in the foreground and they are noticeable.

Warm colors have an emotional appeal. Since we associate warm colors with joy and enthusiasm in our brains, their use areas should also be appropriate. Warm colors can be used in sports and artistic activities in remarkable environments. It can also be used when young children need to focus their attention at a certain point, as their attention will be distracted quickly. Cool colors create a rational and rational perception in our minds. It can be used in areas that require deep thought, areas where motivation will be made, areas where calmness is desired. We can use cool colors in areas where we want tranquility to improve a skill. It is suitable for use in laboratories and places of education.

Cool colors stimulate the left side and the logical part of our mind, and their usage areas should be chosen accordingly. It can be used in drama plays and calm theater scenes. If used extensively, it may cause mental distress. Cool colors are the most relaxing colors.