Botox can be expensive and painful. Some may even wonder if it is worth the hassle. But, at the same time, most of us want to avoid fine lines and wrinkles. There is hope, for there are several ways to treat your skin.

Some Alternatives for Botox:

Here are some alternatives which have been deemed effective.

1. Facial Acupuncture 

This traditional Chinese method has served several purposes, maintaining beautiful skin being one of them. In comparison to Botox, acupuncture follows a natural process that automatically reduces the chances of any ill effects. Acupuncture relaxes the facial muscles with the help of needles, which further allows the natural production of collagen. As a result, it promotes healthy – wrinkle-free skin. On the contrary, Botox paralyzes facial muscles. 

Afraid of needles? Do not worry! The list does not end here.

2. Skin Care Is Self-Care!

Committing to a skincare routine from an early age does pay off. Adding the right products to your regime will create a pathway to healthy, smooth skin. Some general pointers to take into consideration are:

-It is affordable if you pick the right products irrespective of brand

– Results are effective with commitment 

– Sunscreen is your best friend!

-Prepare to receive compliments because you will be glowing!

Some of the most helpful products for aging are chemical peels and retinol serum. In addition, maintaining a skincare regime is a great investment and the perfect way to spend quality time with yourself. 

Don’t have the time to commit to a skincare routine every day? We’ve got you!

3. Facial Exercises

Receiving a facial massage daily to better your skin is almost like hitting two birds with one stone. First, simple cupping and rotation help improve blood circulation. Sounds slightly vague? Celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and Madonna use this technique, and we have to admit, they are flawless!

4. Anti-Wrinkle Face Patches 

Spending 20 dollars on patches sounds more intriguing than spending 500 dollars on Botox.

They are safe to use and are easily accessible. All you have to do is stick the patch onto wrinkle-prone areas and get smooth skin in no time. Then, run to your nearest beauty store!

5. Don’t Forget Your Vitamins!

Consumption of vitamin C and E has proven to boost collagen production. Collagen helps the skin to retain its elasticity and stay hydrated. Vitamins can be consumed via tablets or powder form. It is always recommended to speak to a certified doctor about consumption levels and recommendations. They are easily available over the counter. 

Want a quicker way to reach your results?

6. Java 

Mimics a Botox, only better. It is a drug that is injected into the skin and temporarily (approximately one week) paralyzes your facial muscles. It is better and safer than Botox, for the drug first passes through a ridged purification process. It continues to work on smoothening the skin even months after the procedure. The FDA has also approved this drug, and it’s much cheaper. One unit of Jeuvau costs approximately 8 to 16 dollars. Botox Alternatives

They say, “Your body is a temple. ” Your body and skin will be grateful to you if you maintain a healthy balanced diet.  Normalize the texture of your skin. Every line, wrinkle, and spot tells a story and shows a memory of where your skin has been.

Not only is Botox quite expensive, but it also comes with several side effects, such as nausea and headaches. Best results are seen after a couple of attempts. It may also trigger an allergic reaction you may be unaware of. So why put your body and wallet through so much trauma for a temporary fix? With the rising trend of skincare, several brands are being introduced with products for every issue. In addition, there are several inexpensive ways of taking care of your skin, and more are yet to be discovered. 

  1. How many sessions does acupuncture take?

According to several professional acupuncturists, effective results are seen after ten sessions. A session costs approximately 75 to 100 dollars. Botox Alternatives

  1. Why opt for facial acupuncture instead of Botox when it is so expensive?

Facial acupuncture is a natural procedure that long-term improves the skin. However, aging is inevitable, irrespective of treatments and products. Therefore, in the long run, Botox can result in sagging of the skin, resulting from paralyzing the muscles.

  1. How to find the right skincare products?

-Trial and error! Always purchase a travel size and test it out to see if the products suit you.

– Some products can trigger an allergic reaction. Patch test the product on your wrist before applying anything to your face.

– If ever in doubt, do not shy away from visiting a dermatologist. 

– A little research and finding reviews of brands and products will help you curate the perfect regime!

  1. Do chemical peels hurt?

Apart from a slight burning sensation, chemical peels are painless! However, it is advised to get the procedure done by a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon for a professional-level treatment. 

  1. Are chemical peels expensive?

Prices differ depending on what kind of peel it is (light, medium, or deep) and could cost up to 500 dollars. Although the price may be steep, it holds several benefits. It removes scarring, acne marks, pigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles. It is safe because it does not insert any foreign substance into the body. 

  1. Can a chemical peel be done at home?

Yes! Serums such as AHA BHA chemical peels are easily available today and well within your budget. It is recommended to be used twice a week f and must be applied for a maximum of 10 minutes. Get soft, glowing skin at home!