These perks are typically hilarious – from becoming a Minesplainer by interrupting a woman and explaining how mines work to her (even though you have no idea what you are talking about, to earning the Mostly Scabs perk by repeatedly walking into pointy cacti across the desert.

Besides offering joke material, these perks can be absolutely critical to your success, and are also a viable way to end up with just about any character build you can imagine. With the Nex Mex perks for instance, even a muscle-focused Cow Puncher character (the West Of Loathing equivalent of a melee fighter) can have some serious spell power at their disposal, although there are some skill penalty offsets.

Below we cover every single perk that’s been discovered in the game so far. Need help with any specific puzzles or quests? Check out our full set of West Of Loathing guides for more tips.

West Of Loathing Perks


Have you come across any other perks, or found any other routes to earn these perks listed above? Let us know in the comments section and we’ll get ’em added, pardner!