Real reptile animals called dinosaurs existed for the last few hundred million years. The dinosaurs that once dominated the globe are long extinct, however, some of their relatives can still be found today. Climate change and volcanic activity were also contributing factors in their extinction, but an asteroid strike sealed their fate.

What Is A Dinosaur?

What defines a dinosaur? The term “dinosaur” is a catch-all for all prehistoric reptilian creatures and is a relatively new classification. The first fossil to be classified as a dinosaur wasn’t unearthed until 1824, and the word “dinosaur” wasn’t coined until 1842.

They existed in different breeds with distinct sizes and bodybuild, varying from the large Brachiosaurus to the Velociraptor of the fleet foot size.  They roamed the earth for over 165 million years, from the late Triassic period to the end of the Cretaceous period.

Evidence Of Dinosaurs’ Existence

Evidence that backs up the existence of dinosaurs is infinitely numerous. For example, there are many fossils of Them that have been found. These fossils include bones, footprints, and eggs.

Researchers have also found dinosaur tracks, nests, and feces. In addition, there are many paintings and drawings of dinosaurs that have been found throughout the world.

What Did Dinosaurs Look Like ?

Even after being extinct for over a million years, the way they looked is still something vivid to humans today. Well, there are many ways scientists study dinosaurs. One is by looking at fossilized remains. Scientists can also study the bones , as well as their footprints and poop!

By studying all of this information, scientists have been able to create models and drawings of what different they may have looked like. Some of these depictions are more accurate than others, but they give us a general idea of what these creatures once roamed the earth.

What Caused the Extinction of Dinosaurs?

There are many theories about what caused the extinction of dinosaurs, but the most popular idea is that a comet, asteroid, or meteor hit the earth, causing an environmental cataclysm that led to their demise. It’s believed that the impact of this object caused drastic changes in the climate, which made it difficult for dinosaurs to survive.

Other theories include disease, volcanic eruptions, and a reduction in food sources. But the comet/asteroid theory is still the most widely accepted explanation for their disappearance.

Are There Any Dinosaurs Alive Today?

So, we’ve talked a lot about them in this guide—what they looked like, where they lived, and what happened to them. Now to the fearful question, do dinosaurs still exist? 

The answer is yes, there are a few of them still walking the Earth today. Although, they are different from the massive scary ones pictured in the Jurassic Park movies. Instead, they’re small and gentle, more like oversized lizards than anything else.

The most famous of these creatures is the Komodo dragon, which can be found in Indonesia and a few other nearby countries. There are also a few species of dinosaur-like lizards living in North America and Central America. While they may not be as exciting as the big carnivores of the Jurassic period, they’re still an amazing part of our planet’s history!

Fun Dinosaur Facts

Now that we’ve covered the basics of them, it’s time to learn some fun facts about these prehistoric creatures! Here are some of our favorites:

Dinosaurs were incredibly diverse, and there were many different types of them spread out across the entire planet.

Dinosaurs were alive for millions of years, and their reign only came to an end around 65. 5 million years ago.

Dinosaurs were very intelligent animals and are thought to have been able to vocalize, although no one knows for sure what they sounded like.

Dinosaurs are a popular topic of study for paleontologists, who continue to learn new things about them every day.

New Discoveries About Dinosaurs That Will Blow Your Mind

As scientists continue to excavate and study dinosaur fossils, they’re making some pretty amazing discoveries about these prehistoric creatures. For example, recent studies have shown that some dinosaurs were covered in feathers, that they may have hunted in packs, and that they could vocalize in ways that we never thought possible.

But the most startling discovery of all may be the theory that some dinosaurs never became extinct at all. There’s evidence that suggests that some species evolved into birds, which means that they may still be alive today! So the next time someone asks you if you believe in dinosaurs, you can proudly say yes—and tell them all about the incredible discoveries you’ve learned about them!


Yes, dinosaurs were real! And while we may never know all there is to know about these prehistoric creatures, we can certainly enjoy learning more about them. We love them just as much as you do, and we’re committed to educating our customers on everything they need to know about these fascinating creatures. Check out our online guide to dinosaurs for information on their history, biology, and more, and get ready to embark on a journey through the prehistoric world.