Wendys or McDonalds

 McDonalds and Wendys are two of the biggest fast-food chains in the United States. Each boasts a chain of restaurants that span across the U.S. When it comes to comparing the two, a lot needs to be considered. One of those factors is the price difference between the two.

If we only looked at a few things, McDonalds has Wendys beat in some respects, namely their fries. It is no secret that McDonald’s fries are superior to those of most fast-food chains. In addition to that their menu options outshine that of Wendy’s. 

All that being said, Wendy’s is nothing to laugh about as it has a few areas where it is superior to McDonald’s. Wendy’s has McDonald’s beat in the overall taste of their Burgers. 

Beyond the culinary element of this head-to-head, we also need to look at the wait staff and customer service that fast food joints provide. Overall, Wendy’s staff has been proven to provide better customer service than the staff of McDonald’s.

At this point, it’s clear to see that right now the battle is quite evenly split to a degree. To identify a clear winner we need to do a deep dive into these two giants of the industry. Depending on who you ask, Wendy’s wins, and another person would say that McDonald’s is the winner.

Burger quality

 Let’s begin with the conversation around who’s burgers are better. When we look at individual reputation it would be expected that McDonald’s has the better burgers because of the number of customers that eat their burgers. So depending on who you ask some would say McDonald’s makes the better burgers. However, there’s a lot more that goes into making a good burger. 

At the top of that list are the ingredients used. When we look at the quality and freshness of the ingredients that go into making the respective burgers, then Wendy’s wins in that regard. Wendy’s uses fresher ingredients. The use of fresh ingredients results in the burgers made at Wendy’s being of a higher quality than those made by McDonald’s. That means that this battle is won by Wendy’s.


 We already know that Wendy’s won the burger round, now let’s see who wins in the fries category. This round will be a very short one because no matter how you look at it McDonald’s fries just hit differently. There’s something special about them. It could be because they use beef flavoring to give them their signature taste, or maybe it’s their crispy exterior with a cloud-like soft interior. 

Even the shape and process of frying help them stand out beyond the rest. This takes nothing away from Wendy’s fries, they taste pretty good too just not as good as their counterpart from McDonald’s. Some days Wendy’s fries taste better just because it’s something different from the usual, they may come across as slightly salty given that Wendy’s uses sea salt to flavor their fries. There’s no real argument here, the fries round goes to McDonald’s.

Price difference

Round three will look at the prices of both Fast food chains. Depending on how you look at it this round could go either way. When we look at affordability with regards to the respective breakfast menus and burgers, McDonald’s is cheaper than Wendy’s.

With their wide variety, it’s not surprising, that they are more affordable. This round goes to McDonald’s.


 When we look at their chain size, McDonald’s also boasts a wider reach than Wendy’s with more outlets in America and across the globe. McDonald’s can be found across the US but most of its restaurants are located abroad. Wendy’s on the other hand has most of its restaurants located in the United States. They are more locally dominant than McDonald’s.

Customer service

 In this department, Wendy’s has the edge over McDonald’s as customers feel they are better treated at Wendy’s. The staff at Wendy’s offers better service to customers than the staff at McDonald’s.

People’s preference

Because of the size of the fast-food chain many people prefer McDonald’s because of its popularity. However, when we talk about a tasty burger, some people opt for Wendy’s because the fresh ingredients that they use make their burgers taste better. This will continue to be the case depending on who you ask because people’s preferences tend to change.


 McDonald’s has Wendy’s beat even in the global market with Wendy’s having over 90% of these stores in the U.S while McDonald’s has under 40% of its restaurants in the U.S. The whole debate about who is better is one of those that will continue because people all have their own opinions and facts and numbers only say so much. Looking at what we know, McDonald’s is the better chain based on the stats.